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My Personal Experience with the Sugar Beet Factory

Having lived in Longmont my entire life, the sugar beet factory has been a part of my life. Of course, it was already just the "abandoned sugar mill" by the time I was born. Some how I've always felt connected to it in a way. Perhaps this is because I'm fascinated by old historical buildings. Maybe it's because even before I knew it, I felt that the factory was important to our heritage as a town. I remember when I was little, my family would drive by the factory on the way to school every day. There was something about it that was really cool to me. I would stare at it until it faded out of site. These days I am still just as fascinated with the factory as ever. It is one of those landmarks that makes Longmont Longmont. Like many other Longmont residents, the old brick buildings and distinct silo of the sugar beet factory hold a special place in my life.

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