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5 Ways to Learn About Local History

Often times, history classes focus on history at the grand scale, but it is also important to focus on history at the local level.

Here are 5 ways you can learn more about your own local history:

1. Visit your local museum. Most towns or counties have some form of a museum that may have exhibits or displays on local history. Some also have historical societies or other organizations that may put on programs.

2. Check community programs. For example, I went on a walking tour of old-town Longmont that I learned about through the Longmont Recreation catalog.

3. Visit your library. Some libraries have sections dedicated to local history, and librarians can always help you find resources or books relating to local history.

4. Check on Facebook. There may be Facebook pages or groups for people who are interested in local history.

5. Find a specific event or place. Maybe there was a building that has a unique history, go see if you can get a tour!!

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